Short History Walk and Art Talk

Sunday March 10 | 2pm

Free parking at the Carter Center parking lot

Join us at Freedom Park to explore the inspiring story of John Lewis, Thornton Dial, and the remarkable sculpture, The Bridge. We’ll gather at the Carter Center parking lot for a brief talk on the Road Fight and the history of Freedom Park’s land. After a short walk to John Lewis Plaza, we’ll hear from Ruth Wall, a neighborhood activist, and Susan Mitchell Crawley, a noted art expert. Learn about John Lewis’s connection to Atlanta’s neighborhoods, the selection of Thornton Dial for the sculpture, the fundraising campaign, and the installation of The Bridge. Don’t miss the details of the first meeting between Lewis and Dial, and the incredible sculpture honoring the late Rep. John Lewis.

Route Information:

Gather at the Jimmy Carter Library and Museum parking lot for a brief presentation on the origin of Freedom Park, the history of the Road Fight, and CAUTION. Our journey continues with a scenic walk along the Freedom Park Trail, crossing North Avenue, covering nearly a mile. At John Lewis Plaza, join Ruth Wall and Susan Mitchell Crawley for an engaging discussion on John Lewis, Thornton Dial, and The Bridge. Concluding our expedition, we’ll stroll back to the parking lot.


We will walk unless the weather is unseasonably cold or there is freezing rain. If needed, the rain date will be March 17 at 2 PM. Walkers will be notified by email the night before in the event of cancellation.

Events in Freedom Park

Freedom Park is a City of Atlanta Park and all events in the park must be permitted through the City of Atlanta Park’s Department. Please reach out to them about your event.

City of Atlanta Department of Parks & Recreation:

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